sed and tac: write error: Invalid argument

  • 1 year ago

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The error message "sed and tac: write error: Invalid argument" can occur when using the sed or tac commands in a Unix-like environment. This error message usually indicates that there is an issue with the input or output file you're trying to manipulate.

Here are some potential reasons and solutions for this error:

  1. File Permissions:
    Make sure you have the necessary permissions to read the input file and write to the output file. If the files are owned by a different user or have restrictive permissions, you might encounter this error.

  2. File Path Issues:
    Double-check the paths to the input and output files. Ensure that the paths are correct and that the files exist at the specified locations.

  3. Disk Space:
    If the disk where the output file is being written is full, you might encounter write errors. Check the available disk space on the target disk.

  4. Special Characters in File Names:
    If the file names contain special characters, spaces, or other symbols, they might be causing issues. Try using file names without special characters or escape special characters properly in your commands.

  5. Using Special Options:
    Some versions of sed or tac might have specific options that could lead to this error. Check the documentation for the specific options you're using.

Here's an example of using sed and tac to modify a file:

# Using sed to replace a string in a file
sed -i 's/old_string/new_string/g' input.txt

# Using tac to reverse the lines in a file
tac input.txt > output.txt

If you provide more context about how you're using sed and tac in your command and the specific files involved, I can provide more targeted assistance.