Show Laravel Dusk tests from Homestead on Windows

  • 1 year ago

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To run Laravel Dusk tests from a Homestead environment on Windows, you'll need to follow these steps:

  1. Install Homestead:
    Make sure you have Laravel Homestead installed and configured on your Windows machine. If not, you can follow the official Laravel Homestead documentation to set it up.

  2. Create Dusk Tests:
    Create your Laravel Dusk tests in the tests/Browser directory of your Laravel project. These tests will define the behavior you want to test using the browser.

  3. Run Tests from Homestead:
    To run the Dusk tests from the Homestead environment on Windows, you'll need to SSH into the Homestead virtual machine and execute the tests there. Here's how you can do it:

    • Open a terminal window.

    • Navigate to your Laravel project directory.

    • SSH into the Homestead virtual machine by running:

      vagrant ssh
    • Once inside the virtual machine, navigate to the root directory of your Laravel project.

    • Run the Dusk tests using the following command:

      php artisan dusk

    This will execute your Dusk tests using the browser specified in your test cases and show the test results in the terminal.

By running the Dusk tests from within the Homestead virtual machine, you ensure that the tests are executed in a controlled environment that matches your production environment closely.

Remember that Dusk tests are browser-based, so make sure the browser drivers are properly configured and compatible with the Homestead environment. Additionally, ensure that any necessary web server configurations are set up correctly within Homestead to serve your Laravel application.

Please note that the instructions provided here are based on common practices and configurations at the time of writing. Always refer to the official documentation for the latest and most accurate information.