not working with locked screen on Windows

  • 1 year ago

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When the Windows screen is locked, certain interactions with the system may be restricted or behave differently. In the case of using in Python to execute commands, there are a few factors that might affect its behavior when the screen is locked:

  1. Permissions and Privileges:
    When the screen is locked, the permissions and privileges of the user context under which the Python script is running might change. Some commands executed using might require specific privileges that are not available when the screen is locked.

  2. Interactive Session:
    Depending on the command being executed, it might require an interactive session with the desktop. When the screen is locked, interactive sessions might not be accessible, and this could lead to issues when running certain commands.

  3. Windows Services:
    If your Python script is running as a Windows service or in the background, there might be limitations on interacting with the desktop, including running interactive processes like GUI applications.

To troubleshoot and address this issue, you can consider the following steps:

  1. Check User Context:
    Make sure that the Python script is running with the necessary permissions and privileges to execute the command. Running the script as an administrator might help in certain cases.

  2. Use subprocess.Popen:
    Instead of, you might try using subprocess.Popen to execute the command. Popen provides more control over the execution process and might work better in certain scenarios.

    import subprocess

    command = ["your_command", "arg1", "arg2"]
    process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    process.wait() # Wait for the process to complete
  3. Run as Scheduled Task:
    Instead of running the script directly, you could schedule it as a Windows Task using the Task Scheduler. This might help with accessing the necessary permissions and desktop interactions.

  4. Debugging Output:
    Capture the stdout and stderr output of the command to understand if there are any error messages or issues being reported by the executed command.

  5. Use a Service Account:
    If possible, consider running the Python script as a specific user or service account that has the necessary permissions and privileges to execute commands even when the screen is locked.

  6. Run in the User Context:
    If the script needs to interact with the desktop environment, running it in the user's context (e.g., as a user logon script) rather than as a service might help.

It's important to note that the behavior can vary based on the specific commands you are trying to run and the permissions of the user and context in which the script is executed. If the issue persists, it might be helpful to provide more specific details about the command you are trying to run and any error messages you are encountering.