The root certificate of the signature in the app package or bundle must be trusted

  • 1 year ago

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The error message "The root certificate of the signature in the app package or bundle must be trusted" typically occurs in the context of code signing and app packaging. This error message indicates that the certificate used to sign your application package or bundle is not trusted by the operating system.

Here are some steps you can take to address this issue:

  1. Check Certificate: Ensure that the certificate you used to sign the app package or bundle is valid and correctly configured. Make sure it has not expired and that it is issued by a trusted certificate authority.

  2. Trusted Certificate Authority: Use a certificate issued by a well-known and trusted certificate authority (CA) such as VeriSign, DigiCert, or GlobalSign. Using a self-signed certificate or a certificate from an unknown CA might result in this error.

  3. Install Trusted Root Certificates: On the target system (where the app will be installed), ensure that the root certificate of the certificate authority that issued your certificate is installed and trusted. This can often be done through the operating system's certificate management tools.

  4. Certificate Chain: Ensure that the certificate chain is complete and correctly configured. The entire chain, from the leaf certificate to the root certificate, should be included in the package.

  5. Timestamping: Consider timestamping your code signing certificate. This ensures that the signature remains valid even after the certificate expires. Timestamping also helps with time zone differences between the certificate's validity period and the user's system.

  6. Update Windows: If you're encountering this error on Windows, make sure your operating system is up-to-date with the latest security updates and patches.

  7. Repackage and Resign: If the issue persists, consider re-packaging your application and signing it with a trusted certificate. Check all the parameters and steps in the signing process.

  8. Test on Different Systems: Test the signed app package or bundle on different systems to see if the issue is specific to a particular environment.

  9. Consult Documentation: Consult the documentation of the platform or framework you are using to package and sign your application. They might provide specific guidance on handling certificate issues.

Remember that security practices evolve, and older certificates or deprecated algorithms might lead to trust issues. It's important to ensure that your code signing practices follow the current best practices and standards.

If you are unsure about the specific steps to take or are encountering this error in a specific development environment, it might be helpful to provide additional details so that more tailored advice can be provided.