Understand the working on FltGetVolumeGuidName()

  • 1 year ago

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FltGetVolumeGuidName() is a function provided by the Microsoft Windows Filter Manager API. It is used to retrieve the globally unique identifier (GUID) name associated with a volume in the file system. The GUID name uniquely identifies a volume across all systems and remains consistent even if the volume letter or mount point changes.

The function signature of FltGetVolumeGuidName() is as follows:

NTSTATUS FltGetVolumeGuidName(
PULONG BufferSizeNeeded

Here's a breakdown of the function parameters:

  • Volume: A pointer to an opaque structure representing the volume object. This structure is obtained from other Filter Manager functions, such as FltEnumerateVolumes() or FltGetVolumeFromName().
  • VolumeGuidName: A pointer to a UNICODE_STRING structure that will receive the GUID name of the volume.
  • BufferSizeNeeded: A pointer to a ULONG variable that will receive the required buffer size, in bytes, to hold the GUID name. If the buffer size provided is insufficient, the function will return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL and set this variable to the required size.

The FltGetVolumeGuidName() function allows filter drivers to retrieve the GUID name of a volume, which can be useful for various purposes, such as maintaining persistent identification of volumes or tracking volume-related operations.

To use FltGetVolumeGuidName(), you typically need to develop a kernel-mode filter driver using the Windows Driver Kit (WDK). The filter driver is responsible for interacting with the Filter Manager API, including calling FltGetVolumeGuidName() to retrieve the volume GUID name.

It's worth noting that developing kernel-mode drivers and working with the Filter Manager API requires in-depth knowledge of Windows driver development and familiarity with the WDK. It is recommended to consult the official Microsoft documentation and resources specific to Windows driver development for more detailed information on how to use FltGetVolumeGuidName() and other related functions.