What is the meaning of Google Benchmark Iteration?

  • 1 year ago

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In the context of Google Benchmark, an "iteration" refers to a single execution of the benchmarked code. It represents a single run of the code being measured and provides timing information for that specific run.

When you define a benchmark function using the Google Benchmark framework, you typically specify the number of iterations you want to run. The framework will execute the benchmarked code for the specified number of iterations and collect timing information for each iteration.

The number of iterations can be controlled using command-line arguments when running the benchmark executable. You can specify the total number of iterations to run or the number of iterations per "iteration time" (a fixed duration) to ensure a consistent measurement regardless of the execution time of each iteration.

The number of iterations can affect the accuracy and stability of benchmark measurements. Running more iterations can provide a more representative measurement, but it may also increase the total execution time. It's important to choose an appropriate number of iterations based on the nature of the benchmarked code and the desired level of accuracy.

In summary, an iteration in Google Benchmark represents a single execution of the benchmarked code, and the number of iterations determines how many times the code is executed and measured during the benchmarking process.