Why g++ static linking doesn't work with sfml in windows?

  • 1 year ago

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Static linking with SFML in Windows using g++ can be a bit more involved due to the dependencies and the way SFML is built. By default, SFML for Windows is provided as a set of dynamic-link libraries (DLLs). However, you can still attempt to statically link SFML by following these steps:

  1. Obtain the static libraries of SFML: SFML does not provide official pre-compiled static libraries for Windows. You will need to build SFML from source with the static libraries option enabled. Refer to the SFML documentation or build instructions for Windows to learn how to compile SFML with static libraries.

  2. Link the SFML static libraries: Once you have the SFML static libraries (.lib files), you need to specify them during the compilation and linking process. Make sure to include all the necessary SFML static libraries for the modules you're using (e.g., sfml-graphics-s.lib, sfml-window-s.lib, etc.). Your g++ command should look something like this:

    g++ -o your_executable your_source_code.cpp -lsfml-graphics-s -lsfml-window-s -lsfml-system-s -lsfml-network-s -lsfml-audio-s -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++

    Replace your_executable with the desired output executable name and your_source_code.cpp with the name of your source code file.

    Note the -lsfml- prefixes and the -s suffix for the static library names. Also, include the -static-libgcc and -static-libstdc++ options to ensure the GCC runtime libraries are statically linked as well.

  3. Copy the required SFML DLLs: Even when statically linking SFML, there might still be some dependencies on DLLs, such as graphics or audio drivers. Copy the required DLLs (e.g., openal32.dll, freetype.dll, etc.) from the SFML distribution or build to the same directory as your final executable.

It's worth noting that statically linking SFML in Windows can be more challenging due to the various dependencies involved. In some cases, it may not be possible to fully achieve static linking. Additionally, make sure you're following the SFML license terms and comply with any redistribution requirements.

If you encounter specific issues or errors during the process, it would be helpful to provide more details to assist you further.