Windows 10 Latest Update - Laravel Valet - Creating Site Links in One Drive

  • 1 year ago

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If you're using Laravel Valet on Windows 10 with the latest update and you want to create site links in OneDrive, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Install and Set Up Laravel Valet: Make sure you have Laravel Valet installed and properly set up on your Windows 10 machine. Refer to the Laravel Valet documentation for detailed instructions on installation and configuration.

  2. Create a New Site: Use the Valet command to create a new site. For example, if you want to create a site named "example", navigate to your project's directory and run the following command:

    valet park

    This will register the current directory as a Valet "park" and make it accessible via the Valet domain.

  3. Map the Site Link to OneDrive: To create a site link in OneDrive, you need to create a symbolic link from the OneDrive folder to the Valet site folder. Open the Command Prompt or PowerShell as an administrator and navigate to the OneDrive folder using the cd command. Then, use the mklink command to create the symbolic link. For example, if your Valet site is located in C:\Users\YourUsername\Code\example, and your OneDrive folder is located in C:\Users\YourUsername\OneDrive, you can create the symbolic link as follows:

    mklink /D "C:\Users\YourUsername\OneDrive\example" "C:\Users\YourUsername\Code\example"

    This command creates a symbolic link named "example" in the OneDrive folder that points to the Valet site folder.

  4. Access the Site via the OneDrive Link: Once the symbolic link is created, you can access the Laravel Valet site via the OneDrive link. The site will be accessible from the example.test domain (assuming you have configured Valet to use the .test TLD). For example, in your web browser, you can access the site by navigating to http://example.test.

By creating a symbolic link between the Valet site folder and the OneDrive folder, you can work on your Laravel project within the OneDrive folder structure and have the changes synchronized automatically.

Please note that the steps provided are general guidelines, and the specific paths and commands may vary depending on your setup. Adjust the paths and commands accordingly based on your actual file locations and configurations.