WinError Converting python script to executable with asyncio lib and pyinstaller

  • 1 year ago

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Converting a Python script that uses the asyncio library to an executable using PyInstaller can sometimes be challenging due to the nature of asynchronous programming. Here are a few things to consider and steps you can try to resolve the issue:

  1. Use --add-data flag: When using PyInstaller, make sure to include the necessary data files, such as any external DLLs or configuration files, using the --add-data flag. This ensures that all required dependencies are packaged correctly.

  2. Check event loop creation: Make sure that your script explicitly creates an event loop before any asynchronous operations. In some cases, PyInstaller may have trouble detecting the event loop and its associated resources. You can try explicitly creating an event loop at the start of your script using asyncio.get_event_loop().

  3. Modify PyInstaller hooks: PyInstaller uses hooks to handle specific modules and dependencies. In the case of asyncio, you may need to modify the PyInstaller hooks to handle the library correctly. Create a new hook file named (or any name you prefer) and add it to your PyInstaller hooks directory. Inside the hook file, you can add the necessary import statements or module specifications to ensure asyncio is handled correctly during the packaging process. For example, you can try adding the following line to the hook file:

    hiddenimports = ['asyncio', 'asyncio.__main__']
  4. Disable certain PyInstaller options: Try disabling certain PyInstaller options that may interfere with the asyncio library. For example, you can disable UPX compression or enable the --no-asyncio option during the PyInstaller command.

    pyinstaller --no-asyncio

    Experiment with different PyInstaller options to find the best combination that works for your specific script.

  5. Use a different library or approach: If you continue to face difficulties with PyInstaller and asyncio, consider exploring alternative solutions such as PyOxidizer, py2exe, cx_Freeze, or pyzzer. These tools may have better support for packaging scripts that use the asyncio library.

Remember to review the PyInstaller documentation and the documentation of any alternative tools you consider to ensure you're using them correctly and leveraging their specific features.

Overall, converting a Python script that uses asyncio to an executable requires careful consideration and experimentation with different approaches.