Would the function pthread_cleanup_push() work with threads created with _beginthreadex()?

  • 1 year ago

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No, the function pthread_cleanup_push() is part of the POSIX threading API (pthreads), whereas _beginthreadex() is specific to the Windows API for creating threads.

The pthread_cleanup_push() function is used in conjunction with the pthread_cleanup_pop() function in POSIX threads to define a cleanup handler that will be executed when a thread is canceled or exits normally. These functions are not compatible with threads created using _beginthreadex().

In Windows, when using _beginthreadex() to create threads, you would typically use the corresponding functions provided by the Windows API to handle cleanup or thread termination, such as ExitThread() or CloseHandle(). These functions allow you to perform cleanup actions when a thread terminates or needs to be canceled.

If you need to implement cleanup functionality for threads created using _beginthreadex(), you would need to use the appropriate Windows API functions to handle the cleanup or termination logic.