WPF Making the ListView Height the same as the Grid row height

  • 1 year ago

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To make the ListView height the same as the Grid row height in WPF, you need to set the VerticalAlignment property of the ListView to Stretch. This will cause the ListView to take up all available vertical space within its parent container, which is the Grid in this case. Here's an example:

<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/> <!-- Row with Auto height (e.g., content height) -->
<RowDefinition Height="*"/> <!-- Row with "*" height (e.g., remaining space) -->

<!-- Other controls in the first row -->
<TextBlock Text="Some content here" />

<!-- ListView in the second row -->
<ListView Grid.Row="1" VerticalAlignment="Stretch">
<!-- Add ListView items here -->

In this example, the ListView is placed in the second row of the Grid (Grid.Row="1"), and its VerticalAlignment is set to Stretch. The first row of the Grid has a height of Auto, which means it will take the height of its content, and the second row has a height of *, which means it will take the remaining available space.

By setting the VerticalAlignment to Stretch, the ListView will expand to fill the entire second row of the Grid, effectively making its height the same as the height of the second row.

Adjust the row definitions and other controls as needed based on your specific layout requirements.