xampp windows mariadb not starting

  • 1 year ago

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If XAMPP's MariaDB service is not starting on Windows, there could be several possible causes. Here are some troubleshooting steps you can follow:

  1. Check for conflicting ports: Make sure that there are no other applications or services running on the same port that MariaDB is configured to use. By default, MariaDB in XAMPP uses port 3306. If another application is already using this port, it can prevent MariaDB from starting. You can try changing the port number in the my.ini configuration file located in the XAMPP installation directory.

  2. Check the XAMPP control panel: Open the XAMPP control panel and check if the "MySQL" or "MariaDB" module is running. If it is not running, try starting it from the control panel. Check the log output in the control panel for any error messages that might provide clues about the issue.

  3. Check the MariaDB logs: Open the MariaDB error log file to see if there are any specific error messages. The log file is typically located in the logs directory within your XAMPP installation folder. Look for any error messages that might indicate the cause of the startup failure.

  4. Check the Windows Event Viewer: Open the Windows Event Viewer and navigate to the "Windows Logs" > "Application" section. Look for any error messages related to MariaDB or MySQL. The event logs might provide additional details about the problem.

  5. Restart the computer: Sometimes, a simple system restart can resolve issues with starting services. Restart your computer and try starting the MariaDB service again.

  6. Reinstall XAMPP: If all else fails, you can try reinstalling XAMPP to ensure a clean installation. Make sure to back up any important data before proceeding.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, it may be helpful to provide any relevant error messages or log outputs for further assistance.